RRJXiTips Creations "Spring EQuinox" NewYear 2023 Ascension
This New Year "Spring Equinox"2023 embarks on an Ascension of RRJXiTips Creations. RRJXi & Her Spiritual Team are Adding "Special signature" Selections of Creations to Our Store... Here is a "PREVIEW" of a few Models, some sacred items will be up for "PRIVATE BID ONLY". All "RRJXiTips Creations" have Spiritual ,Ceremonial & Ancestral /Culture Attributes, they are Charged with Powerful Spiritual EnerGy & promote Wholeness, Wellness. Stop by and view the preview model pieces; a taste of what's Coming Available Soon.
Spiritual Artisan, Anidohi, AniWodi, Nvwati Ageya Adelequasgi etc
Christina "RRJXiTips Creations"
Raven RedtailHawk JaGuar Xi
Golanv Gigage Tawodi Tlvdatsi Xi
AmaraVenus Thunderbird