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Journey to Wakanda Springs "GreatSpirit Springs" on my Earthday

WAKANDA "GREAT SPIRIT SPRINGS" KS #WakandaForever in Real Life!

Waconda Spring, or Great Spirit Spring, was a natural artesian spring of Sacred Healing Waters located in Mitchell County, near the towns of Glen Elder and Cawker City in the U.S. state of Kansas. It was a sacred site for Native American tribes of the Great Plains and, for a time, became the site of a health spa for American settlers. With the completion of the Glen Elder Dam in 1968, the mineral spring disappeared beneath the waters of Waconda Reservoir.

The name "Waconda" is from the Kanza language, and translates as "spirit water" or "Great Spirit Spring". However, it is located in territory controlled by the Pawnee,who knew it by the names "Pahowa" and "Kitzawitzuk", the latter translated as "water on a bank".

In the Pawnee traditional religion, the supreme being Tirawa allots supernatural powers to certain animals. These animals, the nahurac, act as Tirawa's servants and messengers, and intercede for the Pawnee with Tirawa.

The nahurac had five lodges, of which Waconda Spring was one. The foremost among them was Pahuk, usually translated "hill island", a bluff on the south side of the Platte River, near the town of Cedar Bluffs in present-day Saunders County, Nebraska. Lalawakohtito, or "dark island", was an island in the Platte near Central City, Nebraska; Ahkawitakol, or "white bank", was on the Loup River opposite the mouth of the Cedar River in what is now Nance County, Nebraska; and Pahur, or "hill that points the way", was a bluff south of the Republican River, near Guide Rock, Nebraska.[5]:359

Beside the Pawnee, many other Native American tribes venerated Waconda Spring, often casting articles of value into it as offerings.George Bird Grinnell describes the offerings of the Pawnee as including blankets and robes, blue beads, eagle feathers, and moccasins.

A geoglyph, produced by the intaglio technique of removing the surface sod to form a figure, is located on a hillside about two miles southwest of Waconda Spring. The figure represents an unidentified animal, possibly a beaver. It is thought to be several hundred years old; soil analysis indicates that it was renewed at least once after its initial excavation, suggesting that it was in use over an extended period of time.

Water from Waconda Spring was used for internal and external cleansing of the body. It was piped into every bathtub in the sanitarium, was served with meals, and used for enemas. A popular slogan used to lure tourists to the resort was, "It will clean works until your works work." Waconda Spring was a popular (Bingessers)

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