RRJXi a Special Guest on The Galactic Talk w/ Taino El 11/29 715p EST

Osiyo, Halito Everyone! Make Sure You All Tune In tomorrow 715p EST I will be a Special Guest on "The Galactic Talk" w/ Taino El. Main Focus Indigenous Spirituality & My Journey to Motherland of "Chichen Itza" Yucatan Mexico. Other topics: Traditions, Culture & Of Course Galactic Experiences. Special Thank You to my Relations "Taino El "Taino AG" of "The Galactic Talk" YouTube Channel.
AniWodis FireKeepers Keep The Sacred Flame Lit!!!!!
A'ho, Howah!
Golanv Gigage Tawodi Tlvdatsi Xi
Raven RedtailHawk JaGuar Xi
Below are Some Pics of My Journey back to Chichen Itza "Spiritual Initiation Mother Land of My Ancient Ancestors the Great Tamoanchan, Xi, Olmec,Mayan,Mixtec in relation to JAGUAR & EAGLE Warriors Initiation in Yucatan Mexico
El templo,/ El Castillo known as the Temple of Kukulcán (or also just as Kukulcán), is a Mesoamerican step-pyramid that dominates the center of the Chichen Itza archaeological site in the Mexican state of Yucatán. The temple building is more formally designated by archaeologists as Chichen Itza Structure 5B18.
Built by the pre-Columbian Maya civilization sometime between the 8th and 12th centuries AD, the building served as a temple to the deity Kukulcán, the Yucatec Maya Feathered Serpent deity closely related to Quetzalcoatl, a deity known to the Aztecs and other central Mexican cultures of the Postclassic period. It has a substructure that likely was constructed several centuries earlier for the same purpose.
The temple consists of a series of square terraces with stairways up each of the four sides to the temple on top. Sculptures of plumed serpents run down the sides of the northern balustrade. Around the spring and autumn equinoxes, the late afternoon sun strikes off the northwest corner of the temple and casts a series of triangular shadows against the northwest balustrade, creating the illusion of the feathered serpent "crawling" down the temple. To contemporary visitors, the event has been very popular and is witnessed by thousands at the spring equinox, but it is not known whether the phenomenon is a result of a purposeful design since the light-and-shadow effect can be observed without major changes during several weeks near the equinoxes.
Scientific research led since 1998 suggests that the temple mimics the chirping sound of the quetzal bird when humans clap their hands around it. The researchers argue that this phenomenon is not accidental, that the builders of this temple felt divinely rewarded by the echoing effect of this structure. Technically, the clapping noise rings out and scatters against the temple's high and narrow limestone steps, producing a chirp-like tone that declines in frequency.
All four sides of the temple have approximately 91 steps which, when added together and including the temple platform on top as the final "step", may produce a total of 365 steps (the steps on the south side of the temple are eroded). That number is equal to the number of days of the Haab' year and likely is significantly related to rituals.
The structure is 24 m (79 ft) high, plus an additional 6 m (20 ft) for the temple at the top. The square base measures 55.3 m (181 ft) across.
The Temple of Kukulcán (El Templo) is located above a cavity filled with water, labeled a sinkhole or cenote. Recent archaeological investigations suggest that an earlier construction phase is located closer to the southeastern cenote, rather than being centered. This specific proximity to the cenote suggests that the Maya may have been aware of the cenote’s existence and purposefully constructed it there to facilitate their religious beliefs.
After extensive excavation work, in April 1935, a Chac Mool statue, with its nails, teeth, and eyes inlaid with mother of pearl was found inside the temple. The room where the discovery was made was nicknamed the "Hall of offerings" or "North Chamber". After more than a year of excavation, in August 1936, a second room was found, only meters away from the first. Inside this room, dubbed the "Chamber of Sacrifices", archaeologists found two parallel rows of human bone set into the back wall, as well as a red jaguar statue. Both deposits of human remains were found oriented north-northeast. Researchers concluded that there must be an inner temple approximately 33 m (108 ft) wide, shaped similarly to the outer temple, with nine steps and a height of 17 m (56 ft) up to the base of the temple where the Chac Mool and the jaguar were found.
The Red Jaguar statue found in what is described as the throne room of the Temple of Kukulcán at the Chichen Itza archaeological site
What appears to be a throne (referred to as the "Red Jaguar") was discovered in the room described as the throne room. The jaguar throne was previously presumed to have been decorated with flint and green stone discs, but recent research has determined the jaguar to be composed of highly symbolic and valued materials for ritualistic significance. The use of x-ray fluorescence (XRF) was used to determine that the sculpture is painted red with a pigment that includes cinnabar, or mercury sulfide (HgS). Cinnabar was not in accessible proximity to Chichén Itzá, so its transport through long-distance trade would have placed a high value on it. Additionally, the color red appears to have been significant to Maya cultural symbolism. It is associated with creating life as well as death and sacrifice. Studies suggest that objects in Maya culture were imbued with vital essence, so the choice of painting the jaguar red may be a reflection of these beliefs, deeming the jaguar as an offering. The high status associated with the cinnabar pigment and its red tone suggest that the jaguar was linked to the ritual importance of closing a temple for renewal.
The four fangs of the Red Jaguar have been identified as gastropod mollusk shells (Lobatus costatus) using a digital microscope and comparative analysis from malacology experts from the National Institute of Anthropology and History. The shells also are thought to be another valued resource material that may have been traded into Chichén Itzá.[The green stones were analyzed and determined to be a form of jadeite.Jadeite was valuable economically and socially, and the acquisition and application of the material is indicative of the access Chichén Itzá had along its trade routes.
Archaeological studies indicate that the Red Jaguar is similar to other depictions of thrones found in Maya murals (Temple of Chacmool), thus whomever was seated on this throne could have been accessing the point of axis mundi, which is essential to the elements and relationship to the cosmological system. The symbolic use of materials related to the underworld and death also suggest that it acted as an offering for rituals in the temple
Here is the Interview w/ "Taino AG EL" Founder of "The GALACTIC TALK" YouTube Channel. My New Relations Taino AG El, YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Below is "The Red Jaguar" statue found in what is described as the throne room of the Temple of Kukulcán at the Chichen Itza w/ Chac Mool (VisionQuest, Spiritually Visit INSIDE the "Red JaGuar THRONE ROOM!!!

in April 1935, a Chac Mool statue, with its nails, teeth, and eyes inlaid with mother of pearl was found inside the temple. The room where the discovery was made was nicknamed the "Hall of offerings" or "North Chamber". After more than a year of excavation, in August 1936, a second room was found, only meters away from the first. Inside this room, dubbed the "Chamber of Sacrifices", archaeologists found two parallel rows of human bone set into the back wall, as well as a red jaguar statue. Both deposits of human remains were found oriented north-northeast. Researchers concluded that there must be an inner temple approximately 33 m (108 ft) wide, shaped similarly to the outer temple, with nine steps and a height of 17 m (56 ft) up to the base of the temple where the Chac Mool and the jaguar were found.
The Red Jaguar statue found in what is described as the throne room of the Temple of Kukulcán at the Chichen Itza archaeological site
What appears to be a throne (referred to as the "Red Jaguar") was discovered in the room described as the throne room. The jaguar throne was previously presumed to have been decorated with flint and green stone discs, but recent research has determined the jaguar to be composed of highly symbolic and valued materials for ritualistic significance. The use of x-ray fluorescence (XRF) was used to determine that the sculpture is painted red with a pigment that includes cinnabar, or mercury sulfide (HgS). Cinnabar was not in accessible proximity to Chichén Itzá, so its transport through long-distance trade would have placed a high value on it. Additionally, the color red appears to have been significant to Maya cultural symbolism. It is associated with creating life as well as death and sacrifice. Studies suggest that objects in Maya culture were imbued with vital essence, so the choice of painting the jaguar red may be a reflection of these beliefs, deeming the jaguar as an offering.The high status associated with the cinnabar pigment and its red tone suggest that the jaguar was linked to the ritual importance of closing a temple for renewal.
The four fangs of the Red Jaguar have been identified as gastropod mollusk shells (Lobatus costatus) using a digital microscope and comparative analysis from malacology experts from the National Institute of Anthropology and History. The shells also are thought to be another valued resource material that may have been traded into Chichén Itzá.The green stones were analyzed and determined to be a form of jadeite.Jadeite was valuable economically and socially, and the acquisition and application of the material is indicative of the access Chichén Itzá had along its trade routes.
Archaeological studies indicate that the Red Jaguar is similar to other depictions of thrones found in Maya murals (Temple of Chacmool), thus whomever was seated on this throne could have been accessing the point of axis mundi, which is essential to the elements and relationship to the cosmological system. The symbolic use of materials related to the underworld and death also suggest that it acted as an offering for ritually closing the temple.
(Sources: RRJXi 1st hand experience at Chichen Itza, Yucatan History, & References:
Coe, Michael D. (1999). The Maya. Ancient peoples and places series (6th, fully revised and expanded ed.). London and New York: Thames & Hudson. ISBN 0-500-28066-5. OCLC 59432778.
Milbrath, Susan (1999). Star Gods of the Maya: Astronomy in Art, Folklore, and Calendars. The Linda Schele series in Maya and pre-Columbian studies. Austin: University of Texas Press. ISBN 0-292-75225-3. OCLC 40848420.
Šprajc, Ivan, and Pedro Francisco Sánchez Nava (2013). Astronomía en la arquitectura de Chichén Itzá: una reevaluación. Estudios de Cultura Maya XLI: p. 31–60.
Willard, T.A. (1941). Kukulcan, the Bearded Conqueror : New Mayan Discoveries. Hollywood, CA: Murray and Gee. OCLC 3491500.
Gray, Richard. "Sacred Sinkhole Discovered 1,000-year-old-Mayan-Temple-Eventually-Destroy-Pyramid." Science & tech August 17, 2015. Dailymail. Web. August 17, 2015.
Justice, Adam. "Scientists discover sacred sinkhole cave under Chichen Itza pyramid." Science (2015). Ibtimes. Web. August 14, 2015.
Juárez-Rodríguez, O., Argote-Espino D., Santos-Ramírez, M., & López-García, P. (2017). Portable XRF analysis for the identification of raw materials of the Red Jaguar sculpture in Chichén Itzá, Mexico. Quaternary International, Quaternary International.
Tejero-Andrade, A., Argote-Espino, D., Cifuentes-Nava, G., Hernández-Quintero, E., Chávez, R.E., & García-Serrano, A. (2018). ‘Illuminating’ the interior of Kukulkan's Pyramid, Chichén Itzá, Mexico, by means of a non-conventional ERT geophysical survey. Journal of Archaeological Science, 90, 1-11.
Wren, L., Kristan-Graham, C., Nygard, T., & Spencer, K. R. (2018). Landscapes of the Itza : Archaeology and art history at Chichen Itza and neighboring sites. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.