I Am My Ancestors Keeper
Under the Guidance of My Ancestors & Elders I AM Their “NvwatiAgeyv Adeloquasgi” “Alikchi” “Pisatima” (MedicineWombman Apprentice) & “Anidohi” Messenger. My Paternal Great Grandmother R.B.Williams Knew & Practiced the Medicine Ways of Our Ancestors, from Herbal Medicine, Oral History/Stories/Legends/Myths, Ceremonial Spiritual Magic/Medicine. Some Openly, some Privately. Her Medicine was influenced by the Invaders Christian Beliefs due to her Father being converted & becoming a Pastor & Founder of a Church. Our Ancestors went Undercover as Chiefs, Elders became Pastors, Bishops, Deacons etc Holy,Medicine Women became Healers,Prophets, Teachers etc. She came from Tsalagi/Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole/Gullah, which are Descendants of Ancient Yamassee. Also there were Freedmen (Free Indians & Free Blacks listed as White, Mulatto, Free Persons of Color). My Bloodline Ancestry consists of MoundBuilding Mississipian Culture AbOriginal (Indigenous Autochthonous) Melanin Rich Persons of the Americas/TurtleIsland of the Ancient Tamoanchan/Xi/Shi/Olmec who mixed w/some of the Gullah Geechee from Alkebulan who mixed with Various American Indian Tribes. My Ancestors were Sharecroppers, Farmers/Dinilogisgi, Agriculture, Preserving Fruits & Vegetables, Making Syrups,Tinctures,Oils, for Medicinal Purposes & more. My Granny had an Ancient Elderberry Tree on her Land that she took Pride in making Elderberry Medicinals & Wine. She was also famous & loved for her Specific Medicinals (Elderberry, Sassafras), Preserves, Cooking, Wisdom(Reader/Seer/Oracle), Oral History, Stories, Spirituality,Traditions of Ancients & More. I was very Close to her, she lived to be 96yrs. She and other Ancestors are My Guides from the Spiritual Realm, I Salute & Appreciate them...
My Maternal GrandMother Reo & Father C.Adger/Adgir Owned their Own Farming Land that Produced, Veggies, Fruit, Livestock etc... they were Descendants of Caddo, Natchitoches & a Mix of Louisiana Tribes (Choctaw, Creole etc) Farming Culture. Caddo/Kadohadacho have roots also in Ancient Mexico, Central & South America, Descendants of Aztec, Toltec, Maya, Olmec Xi) I am Learning, Rediscovering & applying my bloodlines Ancient ways daily... to be continued
This is a Little GLIMPSE into My Melanin Rich Bloodline Ancestry...
With this Unique Mix of Tribes,Nations My Spiritualty & Culture is ECLECTIC!
My Spirituality Practices Includes: Mississippian Cultural Spirituality (Cherokee,Choctaw,Caddo, (Ancient Yamassee)Seminole/Gullah Geechee & Freedmen) ,Creole, Aztec,Toltec,Maya/OlmecXi. A mix of Umbanda, Yoruba/Ifa,Lucumi, Santeria, Ancient Kush/Nubia/Kemet/Phoenician, Muur, Moor Science Spirituality & more..... to be continued... Foundation & Core of AbOriginal Spirituality & Ever Evolving...
I Speak Life Because My Ancestors LIVE THRU ME, I Am Continuously ReDiscovering, Remembering Their Ancient Ways as Medicine Wombman/ “NvwatiAgeyv Adeloquasgi” & “Anidohi”(Messenger,Oracle, Card Reader, Diviner) in todays modern society. I take My Purpose Seriously & Am Daily Tuning Into their Messages, Signs, Symbols Deciphering them for Family Worldwide & some Personally/Privately.As I Learn & Master the Spiritual, Dream Realm, Herbal, Ceremonial, Oral Tradition, Stories etc Spiritual, Mental & Physical Realms with BALANCE I Will SHARE All (Ancestors,Guides) ALLOW Me too to Assist & Help my Bros, sis, relatives, family worldwide to #HealSELF #LearnKnowMasterSELF #SaveSELF.
Love, Namaste, Ase’ A’ho
Christina McCoy (also known as)

NvwatiAgeyv Adeloquasgi & Anidohi Golanv Gigage Tawodi Wesa Xi/Ix
MedicineWombman Apprentice & Messenger Raven RedtailHawk Jaguar Xi/Ix
(AmaruVenus Thunderbird Bast & NomzamoMa’at Kawlifah)