Aug's Balance of Solar & Lunar Eclipse: Ancient Oral Tradition "Walodi Ate the Sun"
Our Ancient Tsalagi Ancestors had "Oral Tradition" Stories to Describe Cosmic & Earthly Events... When A Solar or Lunar Eclipse would...

Sacred Sites on EARTH MIRROR Sacred Sites in the Cosmos (Heavens) , As Above so Below... On Earth as it is in Heaven... The 2 Marry the...

RattleSnake Kituwah/Tsalagi Prophecy
The Stars above and its configurations hold TIME UNTIME within its grasp upon all life. As all cultures sustain a Zodiac system written...

Sacred Sites: HomeWork Tips August Lunar Eclipse & Solar Eclipse
Spiritual Homework 4 Lunar & Solar Eclipse Make Our Own •MEDICINE WHEEL •SPIRAL (Journey into Vortex Womb of Creation •MEDITATION ...

Message of Cherokee Spirituality w/KC Cherokee Community FireKeepers & Dawni Saloli
Special Wado! Dawni (Squirrel) Saloli Speaks on Cherokee Spirituality with KCC Kansas City Cherokee Community:12 Scattered (Lost)...

A Glimpse INSIDE "Poverty Point" EarthWorks Mound Heritage Site w/ RRJXI
A Glimpse inside RRJXI's Journey to "Poverty Point EarthWorks Mounds" in Epps Louisiana. Our Autochthonous Ancestors Paid Homage to...

Corn Mother,ThunderBeings,Oya & PombaGira EnerGy this GuYeQuoNi "Ripe Corn" Thunder Fu
What Do Selu "Corn Mother,Goddess", Oya "Yansa", PombaGira & ThunderBirds "ThunderBeings" have in Common? THE JULY FULL MOON, "GuYeQuoni"...

Full Moon Reading from RRJXI this Thunder, RipeCorn Moon
Ripe Corn, Thunderâš¡FullMoon "GuYeQuoNi" A Reading for Spiritual, Mental, Physical Warriors, SELF Evaluation, Purification, HEALING,...

Ceremonial Sacred Pipes, Wands, Staffs, Sceptres, Flails: Talismans of POWERFUL MANIFESTATIONS!
Ceremonial Sacred Talismans of POWER help assist the Spiritual Seeker in Reaching "Great Spirit" & MANIFESTING. Whether its Breathing...

Indigenous, Autochthonous Full Moons
Cherokee Moons January Cold Moon Du- no- lv- ta- ni February Bony Moon Ka- ga- li March Windy Moon A- nu- yi April ...