Continue 2 B AUTHENTIC, Great Spirit Created You that Way!
Authenticity is a Way of LIFE.. I AM AniWodi, Keeper of the Sacred Flame which is: Keeping the Sacred Ways of My Ancestors ALIVE Life...

FireKeepers "AniWodi" Keepers of the Sacred Flame; Keepers of Ancestral Spirituality & Culture ALIVE
Keeper of the Sacred Flame #Firekeeper Ravenredtailhawk Jaguarxi Tips: A Sacred New Fire Spring is Here, Stomp Dances #Fire was and is...

"SpiritStrology" & "Life Path" Readings Available Starting 2/2022
Life Path Readings & Astrology vs #SacredCalander of OlmecXi #AmerIndian SPIRITSTROLOGY #FireKeepers Restoring Sacred Calendar of Olmec...